Web browsers can display local files, as well as content delivered by webervers.
Webservers, when given a bare directory path URI, are able to automatically append the name of a file, and serve that content to the browser.
Webservers, when given a URI comprising a directory path and the name of the automatically appened file will present the same content to the browser.
SWC’s standard rendering of a lesson’s content produces bare directory path URIs.
Adding fully offline capability
A small set of changes to the existing style templates would allow for a “Fully Offline Capble” rendering of a lesson’s content.
Using the modifed style templates with existing lesson content will see that rendered as it was with the existing style templates.
The existing behaviour can be preserved within a lesson that uses the modifed style templates.
Making more use of existing content
Software Capentry’s current build system sees files maintaned within the Lesson repository that are not rendered into the Lesson.
Software Capentry’s current navigational link targets point to remote files in the Lesson’s repository even when the same content, held within those files, in available in a local copy of the repository.
Small modifcations, to the current Lesson style’s templates and auxilliary files would allow for more content, already maintained within a Lesson’s repository, to be rendered directly as part of the lesson.
Some things to think about
Some links in the offline rendered Lesson still have confusing targets when the lesson is viewed offline, or in Jekyll’s own server .
Software Capentry’s build process allows for alterations in the content that gets rendered, based on global/lesson variables.
It may be possible to render an offilne resource so that all the links have valid targets.
Re/De-branding the lessons
Some people would like to give material not covered within the official Software Carpentry syllabus but give it in a way that has the students taking such a lesson using resources in a format that they will be familar with.
Software Carpentry’s approach to presenting Lesson content lends itself to a simple Re/De-branding