Making more use of existing content


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Can we reduce the number of external links even further, in order to make the lessons even more self-contained?

  • What content does a checked-out lesson have that isn’t currently rendered into the lesson?

  • Could we make more use of remote content that we have local copies of?

  • Become aware of files in a locally checked-out Lesson repo that aren’t used when creating the Lesson.

  • Become aware of how to use that local content to make the rendered lesson even more self-contained.

The previous episode took us almost as far as we can get towards producing a “Fully Offline Capble” rendering of a Lesson’s content, however there are still one or two places with the current Lesson styles template, where navigation breaks when the Lesson is being viewed offline, even though the content that those navigational links would take the reader to, are available for rendering within the Lesson itself.

In the previous episode we saw how to modify all of a rendered lesson’s “raw directory path” links, so that they can contain a deafult filename target, if required.

If we now take a look at all of the navigational links within a rendered Lesson’s HTML, we see the following set of targets

Main title bar

The navigational links in the main title bar, and their targets, are:

so, for all of those, bar the direct link to the Lesson’s repository within GitHub itself, our previous modifications allow for a working offline navigation of a rendered Lesson, whilst the link to the Lesson’s remote repository should not be expected to take an offline reader anywhere within the Lesson anyway.

Nothing needed here.

These are the link targets underneath the navigational arrows to the relavent previous or next Episode, or up to the home page in the case of the first Episode’s “previous” target, and underneath the Lesson title that appears above the Episode title and so will be either

and again, our previous modifications allow for a working offline navigation to those targets.

So again, nothing needed here.

The are two seperate parts in the footer, on the left-hand side,

which is clearly a link to remote website, whilst, on the right-hand side,

where the “Edit on GitHub” link, duplicating, as it does, the “Improve this page” link from the main menu bar; the link to the remote source repository, and the contact email address should all be expected to be remote.

However, in the case of the “Contributing” and “Cite” link targets, do they need to point back to files in the remote repository?

Considering that within a locally checked-out copy of a Lesson’s repository, we already have a copy of the file and a copy of the plain text CITATION files that the links are targetting, is there any reason that we cannot use our checked-out copies of those files to render their content into the Lesson?

In the case of, the answer is clearly, “No”, after all, we already use the following Markdown files to create local-to-the-lesson content,

so why not operate on in the same manner, so as to have it appear at

Similary, in the case of the plain text CITATION file, if that were turned into a Markdown file, so, it could be rendered so as to appear as

It might even be possible to make a case for the contents of the, as currently maintained, plain text AUTHORS file to be treated in the same way and so rendered somewhere with the lesson (perhaps within the Extras menu?) but, as that is not a link target within the current Lesson styles template, we’ll leave that as just a suggestion for now.

Rendering existing, but unused, local copy content into the Lesson

If we use the file as an example of how such a file gets rendered into the Lesson we see this stanza at the top of the file

$ head -5
layout: page
title: Setup
permalink: /setup/

after which comes the content for the Setup page itself.

It should thus be a simple case of adding the following stanza

layout: page
title: Contributing
permalink: /contributing/

to the top of the exiting file, for it to become available, within the Lesson, as

Similarly, if simply replace the plain text file CITATION with a file that has the following stanza at the top

layout: page
title: How to cite this lesson
permalink: /citation/

then we would have the content of that file available, within the Lesson, as

Once those link targets become available, we can simply alter this file

and have our local copies of the repository’s content, for the Contributing and Cite links, become part of the Lesson itself.

It really is that simple.

Key Points

  • Software Capentry’s current build system sees files maintaned within the Lesson repository that are not rendered into the Lesson.

  • Software Capentry’s current navigational link targets point to remote files in the Lesson’s repository even when the same content, held within those files, in available in a local copy of the repository.

  • Small modifcations, to the current Lesson style’s templates and auxilliary files would allow for more content, already maintained within a Lesson’s repository, to be rendered directly as part of the lesson.